Monday, April 22, 2019

Extensive Listening


For this break's Extensive Listening Activities, I watched Japanese makeup tutorials on YouTube. The first video I watched that made me decide to do this was one by Naomi Watanabe on Vogue's YouTube channel. For those who don't know, Naomi Watanabe is a Japanese actress, and I believe that she specializes in comedy. I really enjoyed watching this video because she has a fun personality, and her Japanese was easier to understand than some of the other videos I watched. Her video had English subtitles and was only around 4 minutes long.

After watching this video, I wanted to know how a more typical Japanese makeup style is achieved, because most of the women in Japan that I have seen don't typically look like this, and she mentioned in her video that she wears a lot of heavy makeup so that people in the back can see her facial expressions when she is preforming. Because of this, I decided to watch more Japanese beauty gurus  on YouTube to see id there was a difference.

The first person I watched after the Vogue video was a woman named 和田さん. 和田さん was also interesting to watch, although she spoke Japanese very quickly. Her videos don't have English subtitles, but because she had a decent following and all her comments were in Japanese, I assumed that her makeup was a more typical style in Japan.

I watched several of her videos since the majority are under ten minutes, but I still wanted to know if her style is typical in Japan. She seems older than college age, so I tried to find someone a little younger to compare to her style. I found someone who's channel name is ゆきぽよ, and her makeup channel was definitely for a younger audience. Her videos also don't have subtitles, but I was able to understand a lot of her Japanese due to context clues and her talking speed.

All of these women had very different makeup styles, and all of them were very different from popular American makeup right now. One thing that really shocked me was how they do their eyebrows. While their natural eyebrow hair is still dark, they all used a blond eyebrow pencil and then covered their natural eyebrow color with a really thick eyebrow gel. As an American, that was very weird to me, and I don't think I would personally ever try it (both because I don't think it would work with my eyebrows and because I don't think it would look good on me).

Overall, I probably spent around an hour watching different Japanese women put on their makeup, and I had a good time watching them. I think that different beauty standards around the world are interesting to learn about, so I enjoyed learning more about Japan's makeup style and how it differs from Americas.

Sunday, April 14, 2019




Monday, April 8, 2019


みなさん、人に迷惑(めいわく)をかけたことがありますま。私はあります。先週に五つの試験があったから、たくさん勉強するのはいかなければなりました。金曜日に私の一番難しい試験があって、金曜日の一時ぐらい私の友達は私の部屋に来て、ルームメイトと大きい声で話しました。本当に迷惑をかけると思います。その時に、友達に 「うるさい!帰ろう!」と言いました。


Tuesday, March 26, 2019



みんな、小学生の時、両親や先生は何をするかさせましたか。子供の時に、私は本を読むのが上手じゃないかと思いますけど、今あまり上手じゃないと思います(時間がないから)。小学の中で、私のどっかいりょくスコア(reading comprehension score)は一番高いです。それから、私は小学の六年生の時、先生は私に高校のレベルの本を読ませました。その本は Pride and PrejudiceやFahrenheit 451 のような本です。その本を読んだところに、先生は私にブックレポートを書かせました。その時に、私は本を読むのが大好きでしたから、この宿題も好きでした。このアクティビティはいい練習だと思います。中学校から大学まで、私のどっかいりょくはいいと思います。アメリカで、いいどっかいりょくはとても大切だと思います。出来れば、APとACTのような試験にいい点がもらえます。くわえて、作文にもいい点がもらえます。じつは、この宿題をしてよかったと思います。

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Extensive Listening

みなさんこんにちは!春休みはどうでしたか。私のはとても楽しかったです。私はホンジュラスに行きました。In Honduras, I had no cell service or access to internet, so I did my extensive listening on the flight over by watching Porco Rosso.

Porco Rosso is a Studio Ghibli movie, so it had the typical fun Ghibli style animation and story line. I had not seen Porco Rosso before my flight, and while I don't think it is my favorite Ghibli movie I really enjoyed it. The movie is 1 hour and 42 minutes long, and while I used subtitles, we've learned enough Japanese to not really need them for certain parts of the dialogue.

Porco Rosso follows Marco, a sea pilot in fascist Italy, as he basically fights sky pirates and makes new friends. The main mystery of the entire movie is why Marco is now a pig, as he was human until he was the only survivor of an attack in World War II, where he was a known flying ace.

He went from this
to this

There is some romance in the movie, since for some reason every woman in the movie is attracted to him. The romance aspect of the movie is weird not only because of this, but also because one of his romantic interests is the widow of his best friend who died in the attack before he became a pig, and the other is 17. Both woman are a part of the main conflict, as Marco's rival, Curtis, is obsessed with both of them. 

The movie ends in a frustrating manner with a lot left unknown to the audience. Overall, however, I really enjoyed the movie and would encourage all of you to watch it.

Saturday, March 2, 2019



今学期の春休みに私はホンジュラスに行く予定です。ホンジュラスはきれいな国ですけど、たくさん蚊(か mosquito)がいたから、たくさん蚊から病気があります。ホンジュラスも貧しい(まずしい poor)国ですから、アメリカより食べ物や水から病気があります。だから、ホンジュラスに行くために、たくさん薬やワクチン(vaccine)をもらわなければいけません。この薬とワクチンは高いですが、買わなければいかないんです。一番大切なワクチンは 腸チフス (ちょうチフス typhoid) で、一番大切な薬はマラリア薬です。今日、大変なニュースが見つけました。私の買った薬を飲んだら、私の腸チフスのワクチンはうまくいけません(will not work)。買ったの時、これは知りませんでした。これについてとても心配します。

くわえて、毎週の土曜日に病院でボランティアサービスをします。よくCSCの車を運転します。今日もCSCの車を運転して、バートレットストリートで前の車は交通事故にあいました。こわくて、大きい交通事故です。このため、ボランティアサービスにおそく着いて、かんこし (nurse) にしかられました。 かなしかったです。りょうに帰った時、私のルームメイトがいません。私のルームメイトは魚がいます。名前はブルーです。帰ったときに、ブルーが見られませんでした。だから、私はブルーをさがしました。見つけました。ゆか (floor) にいました。死んでいました。:(

Sunday, February 24, 2019




それも、大雪がある時、時々停電(ていでん power outage)があります。大雪があれば学校がないから、子供の時に大雪が大好きでした。今、雪がきらいだから、大雪も好きじゃないです。みなさん、大雪が好きですか?

Extensive Listening

みなさん、こんばんは!イースター休みはどうでしたか。私のイースター休みはとても楽しくて、よかった休みだと思います。 For this break's Extensive Listening Activities, I watched Japanese makeup t...